Junior Kaitlyn Wang received the George D. Yancopoulus Award in the Regeneron International and Engineering Science Fair.
17th Research Symposium promotes “STEM for All”
The 17th Harker Research Symposium on April 15 brought hundreds from the Harker community to the upper school campus to view student research, hear from fascinating speakers, explore a variety of booths and exhibits and more.
Grade 9 student takes first place at national symposium
Ava Bhowmik, grade 9, recently received a first place award at the National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium.
Students win Project of the Year at California Science and Engineering Fair
Alec Zhang, grade 11, and Jingjing Liang, grade 9, were recently awarded Project of the Year in the senior division at the California Science and Engineering Fair.
Alum cardiologist visits upper school for guest lecture
Harker students were given a guest lecture by cardiologist Shalini Bhambani ’02, who gave insight into her profession with a series of case studies.
Harker takes second place at DOE Regional Science Bowl
Harker students Jeremy Ko, Ethan Liu, Jason Shim, Rohan Bhowmik and Arnav Swaroop took second place at the U.S. Department of Energy Regional Science Bowl, held at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory at Stanford University.
Senior Sally Zhu named Regeneron finalist
She is now eligible to attend the final stage of the competition, to be held in Washington, D.C., in March.
Bajaj ’20 wins Foreign Press Association Science Story of the Year
Bajaj’s award for his story in the Guardian made him the youngest awardee in FPA history.
[UPDATED] Rory Hu, grade 7, receives top award in Broadcom MASTERS
Rory Hu, grade 7, was today announced as a top award winner in the 2022 Broadcom MASTERS competition.
Harker places high in TEAMS national competition
The team of Alex Hu ’22 and rising seniors Rohan Bhowmik, Anthony Tong and team captain Sabrina Zhu performed admirably at the finals of the 2022 Tests of Engineering, Aptitude, Mathematics and Science (TEAMS) Competition, which took place in late June in Dallas.