This story originally appeared in the fall 2013 Harker Quarterly. This past summer 11 biology Harker history by embarking on an educational first for the school:…
This story originally appeared in the fall 2013 Harker Quarterly. Jason Berry, English teacher and athletics coach at The Harker School, died suddenly on Sat., Aug.…
This story originally appeared in the fall 2013 Harker Quarterly. Several upper school students traveled to Switzerland in June to meet with their friends…
This story originally appeared in the fall 2013 Harker Quarterly. This year’s upper school summer adventure to Japan had students visiting many of the…
Congrats to five singers who have earned spots in the prestigious American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) Coastal Region Honor Choir! With more than 300…
This year’s upper school fall play, “Anon(ymous),” will feature musical works composed by Harker students. A unique interpretation of Homer’s “Odyssey,” the play is…