Feb. 16, 2011 [Update] Nikhil Parthasarathy and Rohan Mahajan were awarded commendations during the San Jose City Council meeting in mid-February. “The Harker School has…
Jan. 28, 2011 [Update] For video coverage of the Intel awards and interviews of students and others, see the Mountain View and Cupertino patch.com stories…
Jan. 24, 2011 [Update] Semifinalists in Northern California have been written about by a number of news organizations, including in an extensive story by the San…
In October, Jacqueline Wang, grade 10, was named a regional finalist for this year’s Siemens Competition. Harker regional semifinalists were Roshni Bhatnagar, Rohan Mahajan,…
In June, a paper co-authored by James Seifert, grade 12, was accepted to the chemistry journal Angewandte Chemie. Recognized as the top chemistry journal,…
Vikas Bhetanabhotla, who starts Gr. 9 in the fall, won first place in the aerodynamics and hydrodynamics category at the California State Science Fair…
Upper school physics students recently took first place in their region in the annual American Association of Physics Teachers’ Physics Bowl. The United States…