This story is a continuation of “Harker Research: Profiles in Perseverance,” a story that appeared in the winter 2014 Harker Quarterly highlighting scientific research being…
This article originally appeared in the winter 2014 Harker Quarterly. Every year, dozens of Harker’s upper school students submit projects to the Intel Science Talent…
This article originally appeared in the winter 2014 Harker Quarterly. In October, more than 8,000 visitors poured into the Phoenix Convention Center in Arizona. For…
The Eaglebots, a VEX Robotics team comprising Harker students, is off to a strong start with this year’s VEX Skyrise challenge. The team – Andrew Chang,…
During a special assembly on Oct. 19, upper school students heard from three representatives of The James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS). Based at the…
The 2014 Siemens Competition Math : Science : Technology semifinalists were just announced and 408 national semifinalists and 97 regional finalists were named. This year 13…
This article was originally published in the fall 2014 Harker Quarterly. In June, more than a dozen upper school students, accompanied by upper school…
Grade 5 student Yash Narayan recently received the “Best Educational App” award from iOSDevCamp, where he created an innovative app called BullyWatch. In an event dominated…