Five Harker students were recently named to the Top 300 in this year’s Broadcom MASTERS competition.
MS student named finalist in Young Scientist Challenge
Three juniors pick up awards at Intel International Science and Engineering Fair
MS Science Bowl finalists receive commendations from Congresswoman Eshoo
Harker teams earn recognition at 2018 Tech Challenge
Over the weekend, four Harker teams from lower and middle school were award winners in the 2018 Tech Challenge Showcase, held at the Tech Museum in San Jose.
Harker picks up four grand prizes at 2018 Synopsys Championship
At last month’s Synopsys Science & Technology Championship, four Harker juniors were grand prize winners, which earned them a trip to the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.
Harker community explores the burgeoning field of artificial intelligence at 2018 Research Symposium
The 13th annual Harker Research Symposium, held Saturday at the upper school campus, drew more than 700 people from the Harker community to learn more about “The Artificial Intelligence Revolution” – this year’s theme – and see the work of Harker student researchers.
Middle school teams excel in ExploraVision contest, one named regional winner
MS Science Bowl teams exceptional at regional event, one team moves on to nationals
Two teams of Harker students performed admirably at this past weekend’s Middle School Science Bowl regional competition.
Upper school Science Bowl team qualifies for national finals two years in a row
Harker’s upper school National Science Bowl team A qualified for the national finals after going undefeated in the regional competition at Stanford’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.