The middle school production of the punk-sci-fi musical “Starmites” took audiences on a wildly colorful romp through a young teenager’s imagination on May 10-11…
This article was originally published in the summer 2013 Harker Quarterly. The kindergarten classes of teachers Katherine Chi, Michelle Anderson, Kimberley Sandoval and Kelle…
This article was originally published in the summer 2013 Harker Quarterly. Lower, middle and upper school instrumentalists displayed their talents for an evening audience…
This article was originally published in the summer 2013 Harker Quarterly. This year’s “United Voices” concert moved to the beautiful Mexican Heritage Theater in…
This article was originally published in the summer 2013 Harker Quarterly. “One Hit Wonders!,” this year’s lower school dance production, which took place at…
This article was originally published in the summer 2013 Harker Quarterly. Dance Jamz, the annual middle school dance show, entertained audiences at the Blackford…
This article was originally published in the summer 2013 Harker Quarterly. A series of presentations started in 2011-12 seeks to equip Harker parents with…
Music lovers packed the Bucknall Theater on May 9 for a special performance by many of Harker’s youngest musicians, as several instrumental groups took…