Harker finished first in the California Economics Challenge and third in the National Economics Challenge, held in late May in New York City. The team,…
The San Jose Mercury News announced their boys tennis and volleyball all-stars today and Harker is well represented. Karthik Dhore, just graduated, was named…
Musicians from all three campuses gathered in early April to hold the most comprehensive concert yet. The Lower School String Ensemble opened with “Canon…
The middle school grade 7 and 8 orchestras and Vivace choir performed impressively this spring, each earning awards at performing arts festivals. The orchestras…
This past week Harker had some outstanding Central Coast Section (CCS) performances. “CCS comprises over 100 schools and to compete and especially make finals…
The San Jose Stage Top Honor Awards Program has recognized Harker’s spring musical, “Pippin,” with nine nominations for excellence. Harker received the fourth most…