This past weekend, the Harker Conservatory presented the 2024 Student Directed Showcase, which featured a series of four one-act plays produced and directed by Harker students. This year’s plays were Alan Haehnel’s “Perfect,” Douglas Craven’s “Lockdown,” Lindsay Price’s “Pressure” and Don Zolidis’ “The Audition,” directed, respectively, by seniors Isabella Ribeiro, Mariana Rai, Selina Xu and Sonya Apsey.
Student Directed Showcase, one of the most rigorous Harker Conservatory programs, starts with the selection of directors in the spring semester. Each director then spends months developing each play to bring their vision to the stage by auditioning cast members, planning visual elements, rehearsing and more. Throughout the process, the directors are advised by performing arts chair Laura Lang-Ree, who directs the program each year.
After Saturday’s performance, directors were visited by Harker alums Vaishnavi Murari ’21, Topaz Gao ’21, Richie Amarillas ’22, Zubin Khera ’23 and Harper Brada ’23, who were themselves directors of past SDS plays.