Middle School

Harker middle schoolers reach VEX Robotics World Championship

Team Lolo – Harker eighth graders Jessie Cao, Rachel Chen, Teresa Song and Debby Zhu, as well as Green Middle School seventh grader Julia Ni – reached the VEX Robotics World Championship, held April 25 – May 3 in Dallas. As one of 500 teams (out of approximately 11,000) to reach the championship, Lolo won the Think Award, which is given to teams with exceptional programming.

Previously, at the state-level championship, Lolo received the Amaze Award for their consistent success, which included their quarterfinals appearance at the Saratoga Falcons Annual Robotics Tournament, where they placed eighth out of 43 teams and received the Excellence Award, presented to teams that demonstrate high overall performance in every aspect, including robot design, building and programming.

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