In June, seven upper school students visited Japan along with US Japanese teacher Masako Onakado and nurse Clare Elchert to experience the country’s rich…
Harker recently received a certificate from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), a nonprofit organization committed to cost-efficient and energy-saving green buildings, signifying that…
Harker’s Bacteria Busters eCybermission team flew to Washington D.C. for the eCybermission finals in late June where they participated in team-building workshops, lunched with…
Updated June 25, 2009 with additional winner, Chetan Vakkalagadda. The National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) has made its first three of four announcements of…
Students from Harker’s journalism department have embarked on a summer camp session in New York City. Journalism advisor and US student activities director Chris…
The Harker faculty continued their softball winning streak with a third consecutive win, 7-3, against the US varsity team in the annual faculty/student game.…