A group of ninth graders spent two days in early February helping out at InnVision’s Georgia Travis Center, a shelter for homeless women and children in…
Wrestlers Santosh Swaminathan, Jason Mendel and Chris McCallaCreary, all grade 12, advanced to the second day of competition at the CCS tournament over the…
The Harker Programming Club is hosting a programming competition March 19 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the upper school campus. “While searching for more competition opportunities…
Written for Harker News [Online] by Ramya Rangan, grade 11, WiSTEM Publicity Officer This January many Harker upper school students found a new way to…
Harker students played key roles at the Northern California Junior State of America’s fall convention in November in Santa Clara. Erica Woolsey, grade 12…
Jan 31, 2011 [Update] Nine Harker upper school students qualified the last weekend in January for the NCFL Grand National Tournament in Washington D.C. in…