Despite not doing “anything special to prepare,” said upper school physics teacher Eric Nelson, Harker nonetheless managed to perform impressively in the 2011 Physics…
James Seifert, grade 12, has been awarded a four-year Legacy Award by the Elks National Foundation Trustees, for the 2011-15 academic years. The award,…
Two upper school school students participated in the U.S. Chemistry Olympiad last month, sending a junior, Albert Wu, and a sophomore, Ashvin Swaminathan, on…
The Harker Innovation Team submitted “Turn off the Lights,” a video about conserving electricity, to the LEAF ECOmmercial contest. Isaac Madan, grade 12, said,…
Over the weekend, 15 Harker students traveled to the University of Kentucky to compete in the 40th Tournament of Champions. The Tournament of Champions…
The inaugural John Near Scholar Grant cycle is complete and the first three reports, on military insubordination during the Vietnam War, U.S.-China relations between…