
Gallery: Spring 2024 Performing Arts

The upper school Conservatory started 2024 off with a series of one-act plays produced, directed and starring Harker students at Student Directed Showcase. That same month, upper school dancers explored the contrasts between “Night and Day” at their annual dance production. In the instrumental music program, middle and upper school performers were featured at the Evening of Jazz and spring orchestra concerts, and lower school students performed at their Spring Music Concert. In late March, the upper school musical took audiences back to the 1980s in “The Wedding Singer,” which was nominated for Best Show at the Rita Moreno Awards, while the middle school Conservatory presented “Mathilda Jr.” Upper school Conservatory graduates were honored at Senior Showcase in May, at which Dav Yendler ’03 was inducted as the 2024 Life in the Arts awardee. Meanwhile, Harker vocalists performed at the upper school’s In Concert and the middle school’s There Will Be Singing concert.

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