This story originally appeared as a photo gallery in the fall/winter 2021 issue of Harker Magazine. The full story with photos is published on issuu.
Harker’s new middle school was bustling with excited students and eager educators on Aug. 24, 2021 for the first day back to school after more than a year of distance learning, and the grand opening of the new middle school campus.
“This new campus has allowed us to be intentional and design spaces that create more community and allows students, teachers and administrators to feel more connected,” said Evan Barth, middle school head. “This accomplishment reflects the passion, dedication and hard work of countless community members and supporters.”
Brian Yager, head of school, also noted that the new campus marks a milestone in Harker’s history as it now owns all of the school’s campuses, which has been part of the school’s strategic plan. “Harker’s dream has been fulfilled and now the focus is on the students and teachers, who will bring this new campus to life.”